
Poland is a member of the European Union since 2004 and in 2007 it joined the Schengen Agreement, which allows Poles to travel freely to the majority of EU countries and some other states such as Norway, Switzerland or Iceland. There is around 4 million businesses registered in Poland. Polish gross domestic product is on average 500 billion USD. 2014 was a true milestone for Polish economy as the first deflation was registered since the 1989 regime change. Good and stable economy makes Poland one of the most interesting and luring economies in the region.

OpusTrust’s scope of services OpusLegal’s scope of services OpusFinance’s scope of services OpusTax’s scope of services
Formation of the companies Corporate service Bookkeeping Tax planning
Acquiring shares in shelf companies Transaction service Audit CIT
Administration CBM Calculating income tax and other fiscal charges VAT
Residence M&A Settlements of VAT, VIES, INTRASTAT PIT
Bank and investment accounts Purchase of real estate by foreigners Consolidations Tax procedures
Management Board The service of foreigners (work permit and residence) Exchange rate differences Tax audits
IAS/IFRS Other taxes